Bulbmeister.COM 10846 Hodge Lane
Gravette, AR  72736
NOTE: Clicking on the Bulbmeister.COM logo in the upper left-hand corner will return you to the Bulbmeister.COM Flower Bulb Shop.

Flower Bulbs Price List - Nursery


This catalog is available all year and includes a number of flower bulb genera; my specialty being spider & surprise lilies (Lycoris). Items on this list, even when dormant, will be freshly dug from the nursery or unpotted just before shipping, insuring quick recovery and re-establishment of these very healthy bulbs.

It's a real privilege for me to have you visit Bulbmeister.COM. The new navigational system presented with this flower bulbs list is designed to make your shopping experience easier while making it possible for me to eventually provide you with more detailed information about each product. I do hope you find it to be improved over previous presentations. Future dormant sales lists will also work similarly to this nursery list. Although I cannot promise to act on every suggestion for site improvement, your feedback is very much appreciated.

Please read complete Terms & Conditions before ordering. Many thanks! To be notified of list publishing or status changes, please visit the Contact Form and request to be added to the contact list.

SHIPPING SCHEDULE: Tuesdays & Wednesdays (weather permitting) for all orders paid by the previous Monday, May through October. Otherwise, orders still accepted November through April for May shipment (During this time, complete the order without payment. I will notify you in the spring to pay through Paypal).

When in doubt about bulb adaptability to your region, know your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone.

<i>Hymenocallis harrisiana</i>

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Hymenocallis harrisiana

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Canna, Crinum, Eucomis,
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Hymenocallis, Kniphofia, Lycoris,
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Lycoris, Zephyranthes,

This list contains 45 products.

Featured product selections...

<i>Lycoris incarnata</i> <i>Lycoris incarnata</i> <i>Zephyranthes candida</i> <i>Lycoris</i> 'Blushing Lady'
Lycoris incarnata Lycoris incarnata Zephyranthes candida Lycoris 'Blushing Lady'

This List Presently Includes the Following Gardening Products

Canna 'Hardy Purple', Crinum bulbispermum, Crinum powellii, Crinum powellii 'Album', Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet', Crinum 'Ms. Nancy', Eucomis comosa, Eucomis pole-evansii, Eucomis 'Kilimanjaro', Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy', Hymenocallis harrisiana, Kniphofia ensifolia, Lycoris albiflora, Lycoris aurea var. surgens, Lycoris caldwellii, Lycoris chinensis, Lycoris haywardii, Lycoris houdyshelii, Lycoris incarnata, Lycoris longituba, Lycoris radiata var. pumila, Lycoris radiata var. radiata, Lycoris sanguinea, Lycoris sprengeri, Lycoris sprengeri 'Abel', Lycoris sprengeri 'Enoch', Lycoris sprengeri 'Noah', Lycoris sprengeri 'Abraham', Lycoris sprengeri 'Isaac', Lycoris sprengeri 'Jacob', Lycoris squamigera, Lycoris 'Blushing Lady', Lycoris 'Flaming Dragon', Lycoris 'Plot J', Zephyranthes candida, Zephyranthes drummondii, Zephyranthes 'Aquaris',

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